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Are you exploring novated leasing and curious about the details? You're in good company!

Novated leasing sometimes carries misconceptions but worry not. We're here to clarify these and provide you with accurate information, making your decision-making process a breeze.

Let's uncover the truth together!

Corporate workers

Myth 1: Novated Leasing is only for high-income earners.

One of the most common myths about novated leasing is that it is only available to high-income earners or business owners. However, this is not true.

Novated leasing is actually available to employees at all income levels, making it a flexible option for many. Whether you're a high income earner or not, you can still take advantage of the benefits that novated leasing offers.

Novated leasing works by allowing you to lease a car through a salary packaging arrangement with your employer. This means that a portion of your pre-tax salary is used to cover the lease payments, which can result in significant tax savings. The amount of tax savings you can enjoy will depend on your income and the value of the car you choose, but novated leasing is certainly not limited to high-income earners.

Man thinkingMyth 2: Novated leasing is complicated and time-consuming.

Another common myth surrounding novated leasing is that it is a complicated and time-consuming process. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, the process of novated leasing is streamlined and straightforward, with Remunerator handling most of the 'paperwork' on your behalf.

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When you choose to novated lease a car, your employer will enter into an agreement with a novated leasing provider, Remunerator, who will take care of all the necessary documentation and administrative tasks. This includes things like sourcing the car, arranging finance, handling insurance, and managing the lease agreement. All you need to do is choose the car  you want and the benefits of novated leasing without the hassle.

New car showroom

Myth 3: Novated leasing is only made for new cars.

If you believe that novated leasing is limited to new cars, think again. Novated leasing actually allows you to choose the car that suits your lifestyle and preferences, whether it's new or used!

This means that you have the flexibility to select a car that fits your budget and meets your specific needs.

When it comes to novated leasing, you're not limited to one brand or model either. You have the freedom to choose from a wide range of vehicles, giving you the flexibility to upgrade or change cars as our needs evolve. Whether you prefer a brand-new car or reliable used car, novated leasing can accommodate your preferences.

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Learn more about used cars


Myth 4: Novated leasing is not cost-effective.

One misconception about novated leasing is that it is not a cost-effective option compared to other forms of car finance. However, this is not necessarily true. Novated leasing can actually be a financially beneficial choice for many individuals.

By using pre-tax dollars to cover your lease payments, novated leasing can result in significant tax savings. Additionally, novated leasing also includes other expenses such as fuel, maintenance, and insurance, which are often bundled into a single monthly payment. This can help you better manage your budget and avoid unexpected costs associated with car ownership.

Furthermore, novated leasing allows you to take advantage of fleet discounts and bulk purchasing power, which can lead to substantial savings on the purchase price of the car. Overall, novated leasing can be a cost-effective option that provides you with financial benefits and peace of mind.

man working

Myth 5: Novated leasing is only for employees in certain industries.

Another myth surrounding novated leasing is that it is only available to employees in certain industries. However, novated leasing is available to employees in a wide range of industries, including both public and private sectors.

Whether you work in healthcare, education, government, finance, or any other industry, you may be eligible for novated leasing. The availability of novated leasing will depend on your employer's willingness to offer this benefit, so it's worth exploring if it's available to you.

Novated leasing is a flexible and cost-effective option for many employees, regardless of their income level or industry. By debunking the common myths and clarifying the misconceptions surrounding novated leasing, we hope to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision if it's the right option for you.

If you're considering novated leasing, take the time to research your options. Our novated leasing consultants are here to help guide you through your novated leasing journey, answer your questions, and find a car that aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle.